2024/08/13 12:15
爆サイ.com 沖縄版

💬 雑談総合


Chat in english(英語で雑談)爆サイver
Let's have a chat only in english!
You can't write in english here.

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!


#1202020/08/30 04:09


#1212020/10/02 19:22
Fuck off now!!


#1222020/10/02 19:23
In english.


#1232021/02/20 07:38
Everybody ok in Corona world?


#1242021/02/20 08:03
殆ど自演 ばかくさ


#1252021/02/20 08:03


#1262021/05/25 22:32
Any women or girls looking for private english lesson? :-p


#1272021/08/19 22:11
a mam who is looking a boy is gay.


#1282021/11/14 05:46
I was bullied here in bakusai, is there anyone here who can help me to delete the hurtful comments about me⁉️😓
Admin did’nt delete my resquest of deletion😓
Im stress and dont know what to do😓


#1292022/01/12 03:53
Is there anyone who can help?


#1302022/01/12 03:55


#1312022/01/12 14:34


#1322022/01/12 14:37


#1332022/01/12 16:50
Admin in bakusai did not delete rhe hurtful comments about me
😔how can i contact bakusai


#1342022/04/27 12:48
Heartfull comment?
Did you have a scam?


#1352022/09/26 00:24
Everybody are you ok with Covid?


#1362023/01/20 05:04
It's beyond Japanese gov to control
situation around Covid.


#1372023/01/20 05:16
Fujinami goes to Athretics.
I don't think he'll make it in U.S.


#1382023/01/26 23:40
I don't like MLB anyway.


#1392023/02/26 14:13
Why don't you come to new "chat in english"?
Why new one?
Because 爆サイwill be closed someday in the future.




#1402023/02/26 16:03
でたでた また見栄張りの自演
馬鹿か 本当は英語が出来ない人ww


#1412023/02/26 16:04
Fuck You‼️


#1422023/02/26 16:08
If you open the thread, it was full of low-level people. It's atrocious.


#1432023/02/26 16:11
Don't write in Japanese. I told you to write in English. Bastards.


#1442023/04/07 01:35
Kansai people tend to clique together with their own kind and kindred.


#1452023/05/02 14:52
Together clitic?
I feel they are like all friends.
I know that they're not gay.


#1462023/05/02 15:37
It's almost summer. Time goes by way too fast.


#1472023/05/02 16:05


#1482023/05/19 16:34


#1492024/04/26 12:58
It gets hot as spring has come.
Alredy cherry is out of bloom.
Next people are going to enjoy Golden week spending much.


#1502024/06/14 20:28
I hate and loathe the place called Osaka. The language is intuitive, abusive and lacking in the spirit of giving and caring. The noisy and bustling city does not suit my skin. A very difficult place for outsiders to live. A place I would never want to live in again, to be honest.


#1512024/06/14 20:34
I don't understand because can't read English. But I can feel you hate OSAKA.


#1522024/06/14 20:40
Yuriko Koike should be voted out of office in the next gubernatorial election. The world will be messed up because of that old lady. I will pray desperately that she is not elected.


#1532024/06/14 20:41
We can get them some straw men.


#1542024/06/14 20:43
I expect Mr.Ishimaru.


#1552024/06/14 20:46
I don't like it when I'm having a good time like this and then some idiot who can't read s air comes along and spights behaviour. If you don't like the English language, why don't you just not come to this thread?


#1562024/06/14 20:50
They are depressing and unpleasant. They are lower life forms lacking in compassion and cooperation who do nothing but cause trouble for others. They're like ticks or caterpillars.


#1572024/06/14 20:58
That's right,bye.


#1582024/06/18 10:26
I know I'm in the minority, but I look down on those who are competing in Tokyo vs Osaka.


#1592024/06/22 23:06
The Tokyo-complex fuckers are depressing.


#1602024/06/22 23:35
We don't have old brains like the fucking Kansai people, so we don't do any of the things that we do to make the other person feel young because of their age. It's a relationship of equals.


#1612024/07/08 02:07
Apparently, I don't get on well with people from the countryside because we have different values.


#1622024/07/09 21:23
English is something you can get away with if you learn it in a spirited way. You think too hard.


#1632024/07/28 01:24
I don't want to live in this provincial place.


#1642024/08/07 21:39
There are a lot of people here who don't hesitate to steal other people's ideas, so it's no good.


#1652024/08/11 02:18
The Kansai region should sink (or go under) in the Nankai Trough.


#1662024/08/12 20:22
For example?


#1672024/08/12 20:23
Show me the way telling me such way.


#1682024/08/12 20:24
What minority?


#1692024/08/13 12:15最新レス
Even in English, the Japanese tendency to pick on people's faults remains the same.


『Chat in english(英語で雑談)爆サイver』 へのレス投稿
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