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👙 埼玉風俗・個人


志木 ピンクサロン DEEP IMPACT ディープインパクト こころ
#382018/11/06 08:17


#392019/04/29 02:35


#402019/04/30 10:27


#412019/05/03 01:41


#422019/05/03 03:08
>>41 こころ(笑)


#432019/05/03 13:05


#442019/05/03 13:15


#452019/05/03 13:20


#462019/05/03 13:21


#472019/05/03 13:22
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.
Then, what is mind? What is the thing that we call consciousness? The only way to know what mind is, is to look into our own consciousness and observe what is happening there. In the language of the psychologist, we must ※1introspect. Because one can never come to understand the nature of mind and its laws of working by listening to lectures or reading text books alone. There is no psychology in the text, but only in your living, flowing stream of thought and mine. Indeed, the lecture and the book may tell us what to look for when we introspect, and how to understand what we find. But the descriptions about our minds must be confirmed by our own observation and experience.
The Mind and Its Education, by George Herbert Betts


#482019/05/03 13:26
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.
Then, what is mind? What is the thing that we call consciousness? The only way to know what mind is, is to look into our own consciousness and observe what is happening there. In the language of the psychologist, we must ※1introspect. Because one can never come to understand the nature of mind and its laws of working by listening to lectures or reading text books alone. There is no psychology in the text, but only in your living, flowing stream of thought and mine. Indeed, the lecture and the book may tell us what to look for when we introspect, and how to understand what we find. But the descriptions about our minds must be confirmed by our own observation and experience.
The Mind and Its Education, by George Herbert Betts


#492019/05/03 13:27


#502019/05/03 13:28
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.
Then, what is mind? What is the thing that we call consciousness? The only way to know what mind is, is to look into our own consciousness and observe what is happening there. In the language of the psychologist, we must ※1introspect. Because one can never come to understand the nature of mind and its laws of working by listening to lectures or reading text books alone. There is no psychology in the text, but only in your living, flowing stream of thought and mine. Indeed, the lecture and the book may tell us what to look for when we introspect, and how to understand what we find. But the descriptions about our minds must be confirmed by our own observation and experience.
The Mind and Its Education, by George Herbert Betts


#512019/05/03 13:29
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.
Then, what is mind? What is the thing that we call consciousness? The only way to know what mind is, is to look into our own consciousness and observe what is happening there. In the language of the psychologist, we must ※1introspect. Because one can never come to understand the nature of mind and its laws of working by listening to lectures or reading text books alone. There is no psychology in the text, but only in your living, flowing stream of thought and mine. Indeed, the lecture and the book may tell us what to look for when we introspect, and how to understand what we find. But the descriptions about our minds must be confirmed by our own observation and experience.
The Mind and Its Education, by George Herbert Betts


#522019/05/03 13:30
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.
Then, what is mind? What is the thing that we call consciousness? The only way to know what mind is, is to look into our own consciousness and observe what is happening there. In the language of the psychologist, we must ※1introspect. Because one can never come to understand the nature of mind and its laws of working by listening to lectures or reading text books alone. There is no psychology in the text, but only in your living, flowing stream of thought and mine. Indeed, the lecture and the book may tell us what to look for when we introspect, and how to understand what we find. But the descriptions about our minds must be confirmed by our own observation and experience.
The Mind and Its Education, by George Herbert Betts


#532019/05/03 14:52
>>45 待機荒れるし嘘つくしすぐ泣くしめんどくさいから戻って欲しくない。


#542019/05/03 17:14


#552019/05/03 19:26


#562019/05/03 19:39


#572019/05/05 16:09


#582019/05/05 16:17


#592019/05/05 16:24


#602019/05/05 17:01


#612019/05/05 18:23


#622019/05/05 20:32


#632019/05/05 21:55


#642019/05/05 22:45


#652019/05/05 22:46


#662019/05/05 22:58
>>64 志木では過去2番


#672019/05/05 23:00
>>64 らん(ほのか)が居ないから今だと1番人気になれるけどな。越谷では、らんに負けてクビになったの?


#682019/05/05 23:31


#692019/05/05 23:37


#702019/05/05 23:38
1番になれたのはパライソ だけ。


#712019/05/06 00:11


#722019/05/06 00:15


#732019/05/06 00:35


#742019/05/06 01:52


#752019/05/06 02:30


#762019/05/06 17:04


#772019/05/06 17:11


#782019/05/07 20:17


#792019/05/08 01:26


#802019/05/08 02:21


#812019/05/08 02:22


#822019/05/09 05:34
漫湖グロくてゆるくて臭いんじゃどうにもならんなぁ だから越谷でもNo.1になれなかったのかぁ 越谷にいるって聞いたから行ったけど他に可愛い子いたから違う子を指名してしまった(汗)らんも越谷にいたけど身体が球体になってた(笑)そのうちらんも志木に戻って来るんじゃないの?


#832019/05/09 13:51


#842019/05/09 15:30


#852019/05/09 18:12


#862019/05/12 07:15


#872019/05/12 21:50
こころ叔母さん出勤多い。フリーだと着く確率高い (汗)

埼玉風俗 ランキング

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