2024/04/26 12:58
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Chat in english(英語で雑談)爆サイver
#502019/11/13 20:04
English weak point notgood


#512019/11/13 20:07


#522019/11/16 04:51
That's ok.


#532019/11/16 04:58
Come here again!


#542019/11/16 06:50
Good morning


#552019/11/19 23:55
Good evening.


#562019/11/23 18:51
Japan won over the army related negotiotion among U.S and South korea.No chage to Japan available.


#572019/11/23 18:53
But, Korea keep on claiming about already ended problem to Japan.


#582019/11/23 20:45
Tesra demonstration glass


#592019/11/23 21:24
Tesla's 'unbreakable' window demo goes horribly wrong


#602019/11/26 02:01
What is it for grass?


#612019/11/26 11:36
And what do you think about the desighn of the pickup track?
I think it's not pragmatic for work.


#622019/11/28 19:23
Take notice about Psychopass around you.


#632019/11/28 19:49
House around danger tell brother


#642019/11/28 19:54
longfool around?


#652019/11/28 21:34
why doesn't this site accept urls?


#662019/12/01 18:19
Don't hold back to write down here!


#672019/12/01 19:23
Do you have a private airplane?.


#682019/12/01 19:45
We have nothing to do with such luxually thing which is like everybody wants.


#692019/12/03 18:14
I have nothing interesting killling time something.


#702019/12/04 06:17
Good morning !
Fine day!


#712019/12/04 06:20
I can see a very tall building in sunrise.
seems good day.


#722019/12/04 16:29
I like sex


#732019/12/05 01:39
I think you should have HIV test soon.


#742019/12/05 20:38
Please hesitate a making love.


#752019/12/05 21:37
Do you have any hobbies(?_?)


#762019/12/06 06:57
I like motor sports.


#772019/12/06 07:12
Also I like watching movies on Netflix.


#782019/12/06 19:04
motorcycle good enjoy🚲💨


#792019/12/07 23:29
I am not fat but like eating going here and there.


#802019/12/07 23:40
How do you spend your time in cold winter?


#812019/12/07 23:47
I wanna see U.We need to talk.
I’m really sorry.


#822019/12/09 15:52
Let's talk about it here.


#832019/12/09 15:53
Let's talk about it here.


#842019/12/09 16:05
Is it difficult to write down in english?
Don't hold back.
I am a poor bad speaker too.


#852019/12/09 16:14
I have a penisu


#862019/12/09 16:41
Roll with it by Oasis

Roll away with it please.


#872019/12/11 14:29
A man stabbed another man just in front of the door of another man's home.
The suspect was in castudy.
Very curious case.


#882019/12/12 01:00
Japan has a lot of missing persons.


#892019/12/12 21:11
Get tired? Drink much!


#902019/12/12 21:17
This is a pen.


#912019/12/13 12:33
Do you think this thread should have a friendship real meeting at somewhere?


#922019/12/13 12:34
World famouse!


#932019/12/13 17:03
Hello! I'm a native English speaker who stumbled across this thread. ヽ(・∀・)ノ Is learning English as hard for Japanese people as learning Japanese is for English speakers?


#942019/12/13 17:04
Where no one has gone before


#952019/12/14 16:09
Making it short learning Japanese is difficult english is easy.


#962019/12/14 16:12
What do you mean by that?


#972019/12/15 04:29
I got cold the last night.
I really liked to know how to get over from such cold .
I found out in internet that the best way of that you can talke for recover is "don't move warm.


#982019/12/16 05:05
Still I'm in cold.


#992019/12/16 12:20
I like BBC radio.


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