2023/01/22 22:53
爆サイ.com 東海版

📺 テレビ・ラジオ番組総合


【NHKラジオ第2】 ボキャブライダー
放送:月~金 午前9:05~9:10
再放送:月~金 午後4:20~4:25、午後11:35~11:40/土 午前6:30~6:55(5回分)、午後0:15~0:40(5回分)

【出演】桜田ひより, マックスウェル・パワーズ

#632022/11/09 18:06
【価値】value, deserve, worth, count

I'm sad that the society is losing its traditional value.
I really value your contribution.
I think delivery drivers deserve higher salaries.
How much is this painting worth?
You only live once, every minute counts.


#642022/11/11 19:03
【大惨事】disaster, flood, genocide, tragic

Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis are common in Japan.
The flood after the heavy rain cut off access to the bridge.
The river is going to flood.
Innocent people die in genocides just because of their race.
My favorite singer died in a tragic accident.


#652022/11/11 19:16
【de-で始まる単語】descend, decay, debate, dependent

My ears hurt when the plain started to descend.
The castle walls shows a clear signs of decay.
Law makers have been debating economic issues for weeks.
debate 相手を打ち負かす; discussion 良い結論を得るため話し合う
Japan is dependent on the US for a lot of soybeans.


#662022/11/12 23:37
【わずか】barely, rare, faint, bit

You barely eat anything. Are you feeling OK?
barely: ほとんど〜ない (否定) 類義語: hardly, scarcely
This is the one of the rarest butterflies in the world.
I don't have the faintest idea how the dog got out.
Let me give you a bit of advice.


#672022/11/13 17:07
【カタカナ語と意味の違う単語】mansion, fancy, moody, seal

The mansion has eleven bathrooms and seven kitchens.
I never eaten at an fancy restaurant before.
Lisa gets so moody when she stressed.
Seal the bag and put it in the refrigerator.


#682022/11/15 17:18
【進化】evolve, over, species, trait

We have to evolve if we want to survive as a company.
Humans evolved from apes.
Apes evolved into humans.
Some animals have barely evolved over millions and millions of years.
This zoo is home to a rare species of birds.
Every species has traits that passes down.


#692022/11/17 13:31
【敵】enemy, opponent, versus, side

When it comes to dating, my sense of humor is my worst enemy.
His opponent in the election is a former pro-wrestler.
The novel is a story of good versus evil.
Whose side are you on?
I'm on your side.


#702022/11/20 11:51
【定期的】routine, steady, recurring, subscription

Listening to Vocab Rider is a part of my daily routine.
Progress is slow, but steady.
Slow and steady wins the race.
I have a recurring dream about clowns and pancakes.
If you get the subscription to this service, you have to pay a recurring fee.


#712022/11/20 12:15
【人の移動】move, transfer, immigrant, trade

I moved to Vancouver two years ago.
I got transferred to the general affairs department.
The United States is a nation of immigrants.
類義語に emigrant があるが厳密な使い分けはあまり行われていない。
The Vocab Riders traded their star shortstop for three rookie pitchers.


#722022/11/21 23:06
【日本の政治】Diet, cabinet, representative, faction

Debate in the Diet is getting heated.
I hope the prime minister puts together a diverse cabinet.
The prime minister began his political career as a representative.
The party has broken into four factions.


#732022/11/22 20:20
【独占】monopoly, exclusive, possessive, hog

Journalists don't have a monopoly on the news anymore.
The magazine ran an exclusive interview with Sakurada Hiyori.
My ex-boyfriend was so possessive of me. 独占欲が強い
My father always hogs the bathroom in the morning. 独り占めする


#742022/11/26 23:28
【ベテラン社員】experienced, mentor, ins and outs, retire

Experienced taxi drivers know tons of short cuts.
I'm going to take my mentor's advice and be more assertive.
Jack told me the ins and out of the job.
When Mr.Rock retires, we are going to throw him a big party.


#752022/11/26 23:40
【理由】cause, due to, factor, behind

The police are trying to identify the cause of the accident.
My happiness is due to my family's love and support.
There are lots of factors in choosing a university.
What was the biggest factor behind your decision to retire?


#762022/11/27 20:50
【学者】scholar, brilliant, field, argue

Dr.Johns is a famous scholar of American history.
Even the most brilliant scholars are wrong sometimes.
Serena is one of the leading scholars in her field.
Experts are arguing for a broader vaccination program.


#772022/11/29 17:11
【アメリカの政治】Congress, senator, president, inauguration

They are discussing tax reforms in Congress.
Each state has two senators.
The President and Congress don't see eye to eye.
I'll never forget President Powers' inauguration speech.


#782022/11/29 17:24
【動詞で使える体の部位】shoulder, stomach, eye, mouth

Mom shouldn't have to shoulder all the responsibility for raising kids.
For some teaches, bad grammar is impossible to stomach.
My ex-girlfriend kept eyeing me from across the room.
My teacher caught me mouthing answers to my friend during the test.


#792022/12/01 22:45
【試合運び】upset, tight, lead, tough

If we win this match, it will be a huge upset.
Team Powers beat Team Sakurada in a tight game winning five to four.
Team Japan leads by two with 15 minutes to go.
Some of the player were crying on the pitch after the tough loss.


#802022/12/01 22:56
【callを使った表現】call off, call for, on call, so-called

Ben and Jenny called off their engagement.
Some groups are calling for a total ban on guns.
I'll be on call, so contact me if anything happens.
Always be careful about so-called miracle diets.


#812022/12/02 21:27
【肌の状態】skin, dry, zit, freckle

How do you keep your skin, looking so nice?
Washing the dishes makes my skin dry.
My friend is one of those lucky teenagers who never gets a zit. にきび
I always thought your freckles were cute. そばかす、しみ


#822022/12/09 09:49
【増減】rise, fall, gradually, fluctuation

Experts expect the global temperature to keep rising.
Japan's child population continues to fall because of low birth rate.
After a long slump, his bad average is gradually started to rise.
Have you had any fluctuations in your weight recently?


#832022/12/10 10:13
【冬のデート】illumination, twinkle, snuggle, delightful

Do you want to go to the winter illumination in Kobe this weekend?
The illumination twinkled in the quiet night.
We snuggled together on the bench and gazed at the twinkling illumination. 寄り添う、気持ちよく横たわる
I had a delightful time at the illumination.


#842022/12/10 10:32
【国連】United Nations, Security Council, address, adopt

The United Nations came out with SDG's in 2015.
The Security Council called an emergency session on the conflict.
Malala Yousafzai addressed the United Nations when she was just 16 years old.
The Security Council was split on the issue and fail to adopt the resolution.


#852022/12/11 22:23
【フットワーク】footwork, quickly, adapt, nimble

Shortstops need to have good footwork.
Doing a job quickly isn't the same as doing the job well.
Yoko adapted quickly to her new job assignment.
Look at his footwork. I've never seen someone that nimble.


#862022/12/13 10:25
【規制】regulation, prohibit, stipulate, enact

Companies have to follow many environmental regulations.
There is a regulation prohibiting smoking on the street.
The law stipulates the minimal wage. 定める、規定する
The government enacted a new tax law. 制定する


#872022/12/14 18:51
【ギャンブル】gamble, odds, lottery, dice

Let's take a gamble and try a restaurant that no one goes to.
The odds are against us.
The odds of winning the lottery are about one in ten million.
When you are facing a big decision, sometimes you just have to roll the dice.


#882022/12/17 10:20
【bioが付く単語】biography, biological, antibiotic, biodegradable

I just finished reading a biography of George Harrison.
cf. autobiography 自伝
There are many biological differences between males and females.
My doctor put me on antibiotics to treat my infection. 抗生物質(微生物に対抗するもの)を処方する
take antibiotics 抗生物質を飲む
Are these diapers biodegradable? 生分解可能な、微生物によって分解される


#892022/12/17 10:36
【循環】cycle, loop, around, circulation

The seasons come and go in a never-ending cycle.
My professor just repeats the same things over and over. It's like he's on a loop.
The highway makes a loop around the city.
They say that garlic is good for your circulation.


#902022/12/19 11:59
【やらない】refuse, put off, flatly, no-show

The police refused to comment on the investigation.
Don't put off till tomorrow that you can do today.
Kevin flatly denied rumors of the group's breakup. きっぱりと、断固として
My first appointment was a no-show, so I got some extra work done. 予約したのに来ない人、すっぽかす人


#912022/12/19 21:15
【数量、分量】couple, a few, quarter, half

You can buy things on line with just a couple of clicks.
I gained a few kilograms over winter breaks.
A quarter of my students were absent today.
My dad gave me half of his piece of cake. 冠詞の a が付かないことに注意(a half とはほとんど言わない)


#922022/12/21 21:42
【連続】continue, repeated, series, in a row

It continued raining all night.
After repeated warnings, John finally stopped shouting in class.
The police are investigating a possible connection among a series of attacks.
The Vocab Riders has won 9 games in a row.


#932022/12/23 22:03
【道案内に役立つ単語】light, past, take, directions

Walk down the street and turn right at the lights.
Keep going strait past the school.
It'll take you about 15 minutes to get there.
Should I write out the directions to the station for you?


#942022/12/23 22:22
【お手軽調理】easy, prepackaged, microwave, leftover

I love this book of easy lunch ideas. 手間のかからない
Prepackaged meals might be expensive but they save time. 調理して包装した
How long should microwave this chicken for? [microwave oven]ともいう
We are having leftovers tonight. [複数形で]残り物


#952022/12/25 23:01
【冬の風物詩】frosty, snowfall, blanket, hot pot

It's frosty out there. Make sure to wear a warm coat.
The average yearly snowfall here is about 100 centimeters.
I'm going to crawl up under a blanket and have a cup of cocoa.
A frosty night like this is perfect for a hot pot. 鍋料理


#962022/12/26 13:22
【学校で使う単語】period, recess, report card, conference

We have math first period today.(授業の)時限
What did you do during recess today? 休み時間
My son tried to hide his report card from me. 通信簿、成績表
What time do parent-teacher conference start? 面談


#972022/12/29 20:11
【一休み】off, pause, intermission, take five

I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off at my new job.
Could you pause the movie? I need to go to the bathroom.
There will be a 50 minute intermission after the first act. 休憩時間、幕あい [英 interval]
We made a lot of progress. Let's take five. ちょっと休憩を取る、一休みする


#982022/12/30 11:22
【お酒】liquor, hangover, strong, hold

Do you prefer beer or liquor? 蒸留酒、強いお酒 [お酒全般を指す場合もある]
I woke up with the worst hangover this morning.
Wow! This cocktail is really strong. アルコール度数が高い
Tom can hold his liquor pretty well. お酒に強い(保つ、とどめておく)


#992022/12/31 17:04
【似て非なる単語】affect, effect, terrific, terrible

Always think about how your words affect others.
Studying abroad had a really positive effect for Chris.
Brian, your presentation was terrific. I learned a lot. すばらしい、すごくいい
My handwriting is terrible. I can't even read what I wrote. ひどく悪い


#1002023/01/02 10:58
【お祝い】celebrate, congratulate, feast, get-together

We're having a party to celebrate the new year.
I called to congratulate you on your promotion. (人)を祝う、にお祝いを言う
My mom made an amazing feast to celebrate my dad's retirement.
We're having a get-together to celebrate the end of the project. ちょっとした集まり、内輪のパーティ


#1012023/01/02 11:09
【デパート】department, clerk, cashier, lost and found

The shoe department is on the 4th floor. 売り場
I'll ask the clerk where is the ties are. 店員 (salesclerk)
The cashier forgot to give me my change. レジ係
Where is the lost and found?


#1022023/01/10 12:09
【成人】adult, age, reunion, after-party

In Japan you officially become an adult when you turn eighteen.
What's the drinking age in France?
Coming-of-Age Day is the perfect time to have a reunion with your old friends. 同窓会、再結成
What an awesome reunion! Where is the after-party? 二次会


#1032023/01/12 21:25
【formが付く単語】conform, formula, uniform, formal

Global companies have to conform to local laws where they operate. 同調する、従う
There's no formula for a happy marriage. 決まったやり方、公式
I liked having a school uniform, because I never had to think about what to wear.
We are going to a formal event, honey. No T-shirt or jeans, OK?


#1042023/01/14 18:30
【線にまつわる単語】line, draw, parallel, thin

Any ball that lands on this side of the line is out. 線(のようなもの) [語源は linen]
My sister drew a heart around her favorite boy in her year book.
The road runs parallel to the train tracks.
There's a thin line between leading and being bossy.


#1052023/01/15 12:22
【鉱山】mine, metal, dig, deposit

The motif for this roller coaster is an old gold mine. 鉱山、採掘する
Most metals can be recycled over and over. 金属
If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. [諺]失敗したと気付いたら早く改めなさい。
We need to find new ways of mining coal deposit. 鉱床、預金


#1062023/01/18 11:33
【戦う】battle, against, rebel, showdown

Martin Luther King jr. spend his life battling for civil rights.
In the battle against racism we all need take action.
I don't know why Takuma keeps rebelling against his teachers.
Tonight's match is a showdown between the top two teams. 対決、決着、勝負 [語源はポーカーから]


#1072023/01/18 11:45
【同じ】same, alike, as …as, equivalent

My sister and I wear the same size, so we share the clothes a lot.
You and your brother are so alike.
I can't eat as much as I used to.
The Diet in Japan is equivalent to Parliament in the UK.


#1082023/01/18 11:51
訂正--> so we share clothes a lot.


#1092023/01/19 12:58
【comeを使う表現】come over, come through, come across, come true

Can I come over and watch the game tonight? やって来る、尋ねて行く
Saki hit the game-winning shot. She always comes through under pressure.
I came across an interesting article on the history of sunglasses.
Wishes sometimes do come true.


#1102023/01/20 23:02
【戻ってくるもの】echo, rebound, responsive, backlash

The coach's voice echoed through the gym.
Lauren rebounded surprising well after she lost her job. 立ち直る
For any company it's important to be responsive to new demands. 反応が早い、敏感な
The government prepared for a backlash against the new economic policy. 強い反発


#1112023/01/21 11:34
【注意する】warning, note, scold, attentive

Stay inside. There's a tornado warning.
Please note that the observation tower is closed on Thursdays.
My mom always scolded me for not cleaning my room.
As a record produce Simon is extremely attentive to details. 注意深い、気を使う


#1122023/01/22 22:53最新レス
【天文】astronomy, telescope, eclipse, constellation

If you like space, why not study astronomy? 天文学
Have you ever seen another planet through a telescope?
There's going to be a total eclipse of the sun today.
For me, the Lion is the easiest constellation to find.


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