2023/04/04 06:30
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#9522023/04/04 05:52


#9532023/04/04 05:54




#9552023/04/04 05:54


#9562023/04/04 05:55

2022/12/04 13:19


#9572023/04/04 05:58
最高無敵 最匷無敵 私達 俺達 〆〆〆


#9582023/04/04 05:58


#9592023/04/04 05:59
最高無敵 最匷無敵 私達 俺達 


#9602023/04/04 06:00


#9612023/04/04 06:00


#9622023/04/04 06:01


#9632023/04/04 06:02


#9642023/04/04 06:10


#9652023/04/04 06:11
Greetings to my sisters and brothers of Odisha on Utkala Dibasa. The people of Odisha are known for their simplicity and kindness. Their culture is vibrant and so is their contribution to India’s progress. Praying for Odisha’s continuous progress and prosperity.


#9662023/04/04 06:13
We live in the era of internet banking but a decade ago there used to be "phone banking" as well. The results of that were disastrous.


#9672023/04/04 06:14
To defend itself, #Ukraine needs more ammunition.

We acted quickly — barely six weeks — to agree on ammunition deliveries.

This is also a major new step towards a genuine European defence.


#9682023/04/04 06:15
Today, we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & his fearless dedication to the civil rights movement.


#9692023/04/04 06:16
Today, as Melania Trump honors the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., remember that Melania Trump is a birther who spread the racist



#9712023/04/04 06:17
And refused to move in to the White House until her bathroom had been renovated because she refused to share a toilet with Michelle Obama, a black woman.


#9722023/04/04 06:17
Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a giant of the Civil Rights Movement who called on our Nation to live up to the highest ideals of our founding. We pay tribute to the incredible life & accomplishments of Dr. King & his memory will inspire us for generations to come


#9732023/04/04 06:18
Do you remember how horrible it was when Kaepernick took a knee and you could not bear to watch it. You racist prick


#9742023/04/04 06:18
"Sir, we have the 25th Amendment on the phone. It wants to talk to you about your hypocrisy. Should I take a message



#9762023/04/04 06:19
What is happening, we are at risk from other powers at large and giving out a list of our deployed troops and shipes,ertc. Is this wise ? I think not, were making our own problems. If war breaks out does Trump stay in power


#9772023/04/04 06:19
Qui va accuser les réseaux sociaux de provoquer de la violence et même une guerre civile par le non respect de la liberté d'expression sur les réseaux sociaux soit que TWITTER, FACEBOOK etc seront tenu responsable du cha


#9782023/04/04 06:19
Spoken like a true and respectful gentleman! The president should have let you speak more, maybe it would have went better for him!!!!


#9792023/04/04 06:20
Thank you for what you have done as Vice President! You are a good man and have not been appreciated enough!


#9802023/04/04 06:20
I watched it, the true American blood
He if you want peace prepare for war that's exactly what keep America nd Americans peace is the way that why they have the stongest nd most powerful millitary


#9812023/04/04 06:21
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you


#9822023/04/04 06:21
The Trump Admin’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program has fed over 3.3B meals to families in need, saved jobs & supported our nation’s small farmers


#9832023/04/04 06:21
Thanks daddy for protecting my Chinese trademarks while putting American farmers on welfare.



#9852023/04/04 06:23
This is especially sweet remembering all the times Congress came within inches of getting it done, and knowing so many kept up the effort these last 12+ years. It's a huge victory for a healing planet - and a shot in the arm across the world where work remains


#9862023/04/04 06:23
Specially when everyone saw you shaking hands with the tyrann Maduro.What a disgrace for former "land of the braves" Remember? Your own government did offer a 15 MM$ reward for him. Remember


#9872023/04/04 06:23
Today, we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & his fearless dedication to the civil rights movement. Dr. King's pursuit of freedom & equal opportunity ensured a brighter, more prosperous future for generations to come


#9882023/04/04 06:24
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that


#9892023/04/04 06:25
Today, our Farmers to Families Food Box program will roll out Round 5 adding $1.5 Billion of new funding. Created to fed hungry Americans during the pandemic, F2F has fed over 3.3 Billion families in need nutritious, locally-sourced food fresh from America’s small farms


#9902023/04/04 06:25
Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a giant of the Civil Rights Movement who called on our Nation to live up to the highest ideals of our founding. We pay tribute to the incredible life & accomplishments of Dr. King & his memory will inspire us for generations


#9912023/04/04 06:26
You are a hypocrite, sir. And an embarrassment to this former Hoosier





#9952023/04/04 06:27
SC proposes executing women who get abortions. "We're so pro-life, we'll kill you!"

Also: twenty-one co-sponsors. 21. Let that sink in. This is not a lone nutball


#9962023/04/04 06:28
Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Electoral Certification:

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our


#9972023/04/04 06:28
...fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again


#9982023/04/04 06:29
Attention all Trump Supporters ! Pelvis is calling for our President to be impeached and to defund any hero republicans who stood for him! We must Pray God will hear our cry’s and the truth of all their deception will come to light we must fight do him now it’s our duty



#10002023/04/04 06:30最終レス
I never tweet so I”m not even sure this is right. I felt compelled to say something because you will never get a fair shake here or in the media. I do know first hand about your program to feed families. Our church was involved. I thank you


