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報告 閲覧数 886 レス数 1000

#4012020/12/16 02:40
genius solution for getting millennials to stop dining out during the pandemic


#4022020/12/16 02:41
A beloved town turkey in Argyle, Texas named Tom was just killed and residents are devastated. It’s like if Lil Sebastian was a turkey


#4032020/12/16 02:41
rip tom the turkey hope you’re pecking tires in turkey heaven


#4042020/12/16 02:42
one of the gifts is just a roll of 500 stickers that say "boneless." incredible picks


#4052020/12/16 02:42
the New York Times Style Desk was for some reason permitted to make a gift guide and I must stress that accessing the web page it is on is a multisensory horror and you really have to go to the web page, you have to, it's something


#4062020/12/16 02:43
still thinking about how the wendy’s in japan has bubble tea frosties 🥲


#4072020/12/16 02:43
there’s a scene in how to with john wilson where he films a guy failing to swipe his subway pass at least 20 times and needless to say this is my personal nightmare on every level


#4082020/12/16 02:43
obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this


#4092020/12/16 02:44
people on instagram would post a pic spitting into their friends mouth like “don’t worry we were socially distanced!!!”


#4102020/12/16 02:44
Thought of a real New Yorker cartoon this week: Kid sitting at the dinner table with his parents, in a cramped but stylish Brooklyn apartment, and he's poking at his plate looking all glum. And the caption is: "Aw, shucks, Mom — easy weeknight gochujang chicken thighs again


#4112020/12/16 02:44

入ってないし誹謗中傷してない 同一人物ではないので汗


#4122020/12/16 02:44
Starting on December 4 you can “adopt” (don’t really like that word here but okay) one of these letters and send a gift to one of the lil letter writers


#4132020/12/16 02:45
Not trying to start drama but all cats r beautiful while like half of dogs r so ugly u can’t even look at them


#4142020/12/16 02:45
covid arriving at another republican superspreader event


#4152020/12/16 02:45
it’s wild what being a cretinous racist does to the human face


#4162020/12/16 02:46
feel like it tells you everything you need to know about Anthony Fauci that between over a dozen interviews and meetings he still takes an hour to see covid patients


#4172020/12/16 02:46
we know “defund the police” is effective cuz we got you doin a book tour talkin abt it. that’s called, a culture is shifting, my friend. there’s power in organizing around directive language. thank you for helping us put “defund the police” in the mouths of everyone rn


#4182020/12/16 02:47
hm in the process of trying to find out if tana mongeau got any PPP loans i've learned lexisnexis lists her


#4192020/12/16 02:47
the governor of south dakota should be in prison


#4202020/12/16 02:47
don’t forget the robes too


#4212020/12/16 02:48
that awkward moment when you have to get your party to vote despite spending the last month brainwashing them that the system is rigged


#4222020/12/16 02:48
I can’t be more earnest. We are hanging by a thread and can barely even afford to go get bread. We have puppies. We’re all hungry and sick and tired of ending everyday worried. I’m genuinely afraid this month


#4232020/12/16 02:48
Cuomo also banned mass gatherings like concerts and comedy clubs, I believe.
The distinction wasn’t secular/religious but clearly small/large. You’d have to be deliberately distorting it to miss the point this badly.
That’s the Trump Court, I guess


#4242020/12/16 02:49
fellas is it “pro-life” to let people have superspreader religious services


#4252020/12/16 02:49
how to ruin a perfectly good house and make it devoid of any charm or warmth


#4262020/12/16 02:50
don’t worry the commenters also think it’s a sad monstrosity


#4272020/12/16 02:50
This is the home of a serial killer and you can’t convince me otherwi


#4282020/12/16 02:50
Northeastern burying the lede here, which is that there's a COVID outbreak on five varsity sports teams and a few of the teams are now quarantined


#4292020/12/16 02:51
Me mixing together the Pfizer, Moderna AND AstraZeneca vaccines together


#4302020/12/16 02:51
brands are literally so dumb. this guy’s TikToks probably scored Sherwin-Williams more brand awareness than any work their CMO’


#4312020/12/16 02:52
tag yourself I’m “lie around and talk about how some things are so mean”


#4322020/12/16 02:52
update: it was a man’s idea
“Brawer said he always wanted the mural "to go viral at some level," but some of the new attention is not what he expected.”


#4332020/12/16 02:52
the only people having a good are goldendoodle breeders


#4342020/12/16 02:53
and chris knows a few things about being a national embarrassment


#4352020/12/16 02:53
this mural inside an LA boutique is the most cursed thing ever made


#4362020/12/16 02:54
This is BONKERS. The president elect, instead of aggressively condemning the party working to overthrow his election (the one he still makes noises about working with) is asking an economically paralyzed nation--people who don't have food or housing--for money to help him


#4372020/12/16 02:54
old white men have been trying this shit for thousands of years and they're not stopping because of joe biden


#4382020/12/16 02:54
have reached the huffbuzz joke quota, you may discard your jokes in your drafts folder


#4392020/12/16 02:55
It’s empowering to know history of white thought on race. At no time has white majority believed racism exists. If you get this, then acc


#4402020/12/16 02:55
“just know when you try to sleep tonight that millions of people around the world now on twitter know the names monica palmer and william hartman as two people [who are] racist and without a shred of what i


#4412020/12/16 02:55
can't be stressed enough how inadequate liberal media "fact-checking"-style efforts are to address a brainwashing so deep that it has people denying their own deaths to their last breath


#4422020/12/16 02:56
absolutely delighted that the thread that ends here started with “so i wa


#4432020/12/16 02:57
actually like the hockney new yorker cover but wish the new yorker would give more covers to a wider range of illustrators beyond the


#4442020/12/16 02:57
routine is that for breakfast i have a smoothie then around 1 pm I have a proper breakfast. can’


#4452020/12/16 02:57
going to do it skip this tired trend and just make new Columbo starring Margo Martin


#4462020/12/16 02:58
up on the same street as Smokey Robinson in Detroit. So for Chanukah, I wanted to re


#4472020/12/16 02:58
even a little except to note that “Dear gamers” is the funniest possible way to start a letter


#4482020/12/16 02:58
which is also what any MD who didn't want to lose their license would do


#4492020/12/16 02:59
the fuck can even afford these garbage “plans,” the cheapest one I can find is over


#4502020/12/16 02:59
Jake tapper drank a matcha latte with a drop of cbd oil & tweeted pink floyd lyrics

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