爆サイ.com 四国版



That's a bit of a wrong question to ask,
because it depends so much on a lot of different factors,
like e.g. your skill, your confidence level,
your not being scared to play for bigger money,
your risk-tolerance, can you make yourself go to lower stakes again if neccessary?
Will try to answer anyway, but keep all those in mind.

For me, the biggest factor was my downswing tolerance.
The question I was asking myself all the time was:
Am I ready to handle a 400$ downswing?
Am I ready to handle a 600$ downswing? etc..
If you're not ready to handle a 100BB downswing at the level you want to play, don't play it, or mix it with a lower level.
People who lose 50BB and then dump another 100BB are obviously great to play with, but you don't want to be one of them.

I progressed from 0.50/1.00 to currently playing 2/4 and 3/6 with 300BB minimum requirements.
I know myself and I know it's very hard for me to handle a 50BB+ downswing with a lower roll (tried 200BB),
and these do happen, the highest downswing I had was actually over 100BB. And playing TD2-7 with scared money is just very bad.
It's a high variance game and you need to embrace it (i.e. the variance) to be a real winner Going for more than 300BB seems like too much imho,
but if you have trouble adjusting to new stakes and feel a bit insecure, there's nothing wrong with say 400-500BB, that said 1000BB seems way over the line.

If you're really, really good (I mean really good) then you could probably do with 150BB or so (bigger winrate = smaller negative variance),
but you probably aren't, since in that case you'd play 200/400 HU with oogee

[ 名無しさん@ポーカー大好き ]